[message]Yellow Mermaid Tail Cactus 4in
Yellow Mermaid Tail Cactus 4in
Mermaid Tail Cactus (Opuntia microdasys ‘Rufida’)
The Mermaid Tail Cactus is a captivating and unusual succulent, known for its elongated, segmented pads that resemble a mermaid’s tail. Its soft, spiny texture and vibrant green color make it a standout addition to any cactus collection.
• Light: Prefers bright, indirect light. It can handle some direct sunlight but avoid intense, prolonged exposure.
• Water: Water when the soil is completely dry. This cactus is drought-tolerant and can suffer from overwatering.
• Humidity: Thrives in low humidity and adapts well to dry indoor environments.
• Pet Safety: Non-toxic to pets.
• Care Tip: Handle with care due to tiny, hair-like spines. Ensure good drainage and avoid water accumulation around the base.
The Mermaid Tail Cactus adds a touch of whimsy and desert charm to your plant collection, making it an eye-catching and low-maintenance choice.